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Paper Title: Huge Vulvar Haematoma Following Spontanous Vaginal Delivery: Surgical Evacuation

Authors: John C. O, Akani N.A, Akani C.I, Johnson S

Article DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7903789

DOI Url: 10.5281/zenodo.7903789


Vulvar haematoma during normal vaginal birth is rare. It is often recorded in traumatic or iatrogenic injury during forceps delivery or poorly managed episiotomies. Other causes of haematoma include traumatic stride injuries, coital injury, rape, or as sexual abuse.
The highly vascularized peri anal tissue in pregnancy can bleed massively, leading to subsequent post-partum hemorrhage and compromise of the cardiovascular status of the woman as in this case. An estimated evacuated blood loss of 1.4 liters was recorded.

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