The Gazette of Medicine welcomes contribution of articles that promote the practice of medicine. Submission on review articles, original articles, case reports, clinical practice materials, letter to the editor, short communications, commentaries, viewpoints, reviews of medical books, legal matters related to medical practice, conference and workshop reports and medical news are all encouraged.

Letter to the Editor

This will be regarding a matter relevant to medicine or comments on a published article in the Gazette of Medicine. It should not exceed 1000 words and have a maximum of two illustrations or tables and 10 references.

Case Reports

This will highlight a rare case, an unusual presentation of a case, or a novel approach to management. A maximum of 1500 words with 2 illustrations and tables and 10 references will be accepted. There should be a case summary.

Review Article

This will contain a well-referenced review providing a balanced critical appraisal of the literature on a subject area. The maximum word count is 2500 – 3000 words excluding abstract.

Research Articles

This will present original research that contains a clear methodology, and, outcomes. The maximum word count is 6000 words excluding abstract. Other submissions will have a maximum of 1000 words.

General formatting guidelines

Preparing main text

An electronic copy of the typewritten manuscript(s) will be required in the English Language in Microsoft Word, with font 12 Times New Roman, and double line spacing of 2.54cm (top x bottom x left x right) in an A4 white-bound paper.

The title page, abstract, introduction, methods, ethics, statistics, results, discussion, references, tables, legends to figure and illustration should commence on a new page, and there should not be the use of abbreviations.

Covering letter to the Editor should be sent along with the manuscripts.

Title page

This will include the article title, names in full, the department and institution where the work was done, names, and author affiliations. The title will contain a maximum of 15 words.


This should be structured and include background, methods, results, and conclusion. It should not exceed 250 words.


This will include both the aim and objectives of the study.


This will involve the description of the patient, materials used, type of study, data sources, and mode of data extraction.


This will reflect the findings of the study.


This will reflect the findings of the study.


This will state the study's resolution, highlighting possible future work and stating the study limitations.

Tables and Illustrations

All tables should be typed and double spaced on a separate page and numbered alphabetically, with their appropriate positions in the manuscript indicated. Tables, figures, and illustrations should have a concise title and be well-annotated. All illustrations should also be numbered alphabetically, and those involving a photograph will conceal the subject's identity and be sent with the written signed consent of the subject. A previously published illustration should be appropriately referenced, and credit is given to its author. High-resolution images should be provided and attached separately as a supplementary file upon submission.

Abbreviation and Nomenclature

Standard abbreviations will be allowed. Only generic names of drugs will be accepted.


Only Vancouver style of referencing will be accepted with in-text citation as superscript.